Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Welcome back for the next round of learning - I have been working my way through the different units while trying to work out how to get back on to the blogging site - apparently I should have used it more - but alas all is now well and I have lots of blogging to do to show off any new found talents!!

Love working with Google Docs - find it is a great way of sharing ideas so everyone can be on the one page when you can finally get together face to face. The planning stages can be done without all the normal run around so when everyone meets the groundwork is already done. It is great with amalgamation with such a lot of branches and not enough hours for all that needs doing. It keeps everyone in the loop. Found Zoho great as well and will spend more time exploring there. Was great to be able to use the google login - saved remembering another password.

Survey monkey would be a useful tool for creating surveys for different training purposes.

It is great that the online apps are mainly free and most can be accessed from any computer, anywhere. Web Conferencing would be great if you were unable to attend - went to a meeting recently where a staff member was unable to attend a conference because of illness but was able to tap into all that was going on from the comfort of her sick bed.

Zamzar will be a favourite for all staff at our branch when I research it more - we have almost daily a problem with a document presented itself in the wrong format ( both staff and patron) and how clever will we feel to be able to change them and so easily -- I hope!!!

Anyway enough for now and onward we go


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