Saturday, November 28, 2009

Google, Google and Some More Google

Wow - once again I am gobsmacked by all that Google has to offer - I have used Google Translate before and am amazed to learn that it can translate the whole web page. We have used it to translate a few words and phrases for patron so this feature will come in handy. We could use this feature in the library for backpackers, tourists from overseas and other library users from overseas. It is often hard to communicate there needs so this could be a great help. Google Books are a great idea and when I went into to have a look around it was very user friendly. It would be great for Book Clubs to pick books and be able to view the first pages which they may enjoy reading and for children to begin reading. Google Calendar is also well used at work and play because of it ease of use and we can use it at work to see what everyone is up too and any changes could be made. We could put upcoming events and when and where staff are expected to attend training. We can have the calendar displayed in daily, weekly or monthly timeslots. Google Maps allow us the view directions and location of business. We often get patrons coming in looking for certain business and places and we can print off details because we do not keep street directories anymore or many telephone books. Widely used throughout the library service. Travellers and backpackers often ask for directions and want to know how far tourist attractions are in our local region. Know we can help them with information at the click of a button or two. Personal maps could be used to show locations of book clubs in our regions and dates meetings are held or planning a trip away from the everyday.

Cheers for now - Another late night exploring

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